where the story unfolds...
I am passionate about shining the light on Black and Brown stories and authentically changing the focus of storytelling in mainstream media. My experiences of being born and blossoming on the south side of Chicago were further nurtured by studying in the east coast DMV region, and later internationally. My love of travel and learning, has ingrained in me an understanding of not only community strength but the beauty of the artistry of various genres of music, visual arts, fashion, and food.
I am not afraid to inspire teams to enhance their inclusion and understanding of often overlooked audience demographics including racial/ethnic groups, gender, and neurodivergent/physical abilities. Along with the perspectives of Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. As a middle child in a large family, I understand the various viewpoints inherent within family roles and equally understand both the perspectives of singles and those with more complicated friend-family structures.
Complimenting my professional experiences includes advocacy work regarding:
Promoting Community Anti-Violence
Embracing Natural Hair and Beauty
Raising Mental Health Awareness
Supporting the LGBQT Community
As a Producer, I serve as a liaison between departments and clients to connect ideas, execute the creative vision, and pave the pathway to success. I have 5+ years of experience in creative direction, project management, and leading productions.